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News video games 09 November 2023, 02:32

author: Marcin Przala

Stellaris: Astral Planes DLC Release Date

Thanks to a short trailer, we learned the release date of the Astral Planes expansion for the space strategy game Stellaris. The expansion will debut in just a few days.

Source: Paradox Interactive.

Paradox Interactive has released a short trailer (available below) for the upcoming Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris, which revealed its release date. The expansion, in which we will visit alternate dimensions, is set to debut on November 16, this year on personal computers.

The picturesque trailer, which at one point even refers to Michelangelo's most famous fresco, explains to us how space-time travel became possible in the world of Stellaris.

The phenomenon of "jumping" between dimensions is supposed to be possible in the game's universe thanks to special astral rifts, which, combined with new technology, make it possible to cross the barrier of time and space.

The developers assure of a branching narrative, in which decisions made in one universe will affect events in the other.

Earlier we learned that in the expansion in question, in addition to new worlds to explore and dilemmas to solve, we will encounter unprecedented technologies and systems, as well as encounter creatures unique to each universe.

Astral Planes is heading exclusively to PC. Until November 27 you can purchase it 10% off.

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