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News video games 08 November 2023, 01:45

author: Kamil Kleszyk

Star Citizen Free for 2 Weeks; Special Event Announced

Star Citizen will soon host the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953, and on this occasion players will be able to test the space game for free for two weeks.

Source: Cloud Imperium Games

Developers at Cloud Imperium Games have released details of the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953 event, an exhibition that will take place in Star Citizen, where companies invented for the game will advertise their ships.

However, players still considering joining the game's community will be most interested in the fact that the virtual event will enable you to enjoy the game for free for almost two weeks. The opportunity to test the current version of the game for free will occur between November 17 and 30.

To access the free version, you need to create an account on Star Citizen's official website and download the launcher.

The developers have prepared a ton of attractions for visitors to Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953. In addition to admiring state of the art vessels, the players will be able to sit at the controls of as many as 100 selected ships and vehicles. There will also be special paintings of the space machines available in the game for visitors.

Cloud Imperium Games continues to develop its flagship work, although during the recent CitizenCon the developers announced, that the story campaign - Squadron 42 - has already entered the final fixing phase.

Meanwhile, the crowdfunding campaign of Star Citizen remains in full swing. At the time of writing this news, the developers have raised more than $622 million for the development of the title.

  1. Star Citizen - official website

Kamil Kleszyk

Kamil Kleszyk

An introvert by nature. Since childhood, he felt a closer connection to humanism than to the sciences. Instead of exercises in maths, he preferred shutting himself up in his world and inventing new stories of his favorite anime – Dragon Ball. After years of study came a time of stagnation, which he preferred to call "searching for purpose." Looking out for destiny during the 58th screening of his beloved Die Hard, he decided – like John McCLane – to fight for a better future. He found the avenue to do this in Gamepressure. Since he's still a freshman in the newsroom, he doesn't have a target subject he wants to focus on yet. So, you can expect news about farming simulators, or the impact of Johnny Depp's trial on the future of Pirates of the Caribbean. If you ever hear that playing console games and watching movies is futile – remember this story


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