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News video games 05 October 2023, 09:07

Diablo 4 Coming to Steam; Another Breakthrough From Blizzard

Blizzard surprised us again with the announcement that Diablo 4 will be released on Valve's platform - and it's coming soon. Could this be an attempt to save the game?

Source: Blizzard

Even Overwatch 2 being on Steam seemed a sensation, but Blizzard just one-upped itself by announcing, that also Diablo 4 will appear on Valve's platform. This will take place on October 17, which is less than two weeks from now.

  1. Diablo IV on Steam

A account will be required to play, and during the game we will earn Steam achievements and be able to participate in games with users of other platforms through the cross-play feature.

Recall that the same day will mark the start of the second season in Diablo IV - Season of Blood, which will revolve around vampires. So it seems that Blizzard wants to enter Valve's platform with a bang.

In fact, one might ask a question what today's announcement tells of the condition of the latest installment of the legendary hack'n'slash series. While the introduction of Overwatch 2 on Steam did not appear to be anything out of the ordinary, given the controversy constantly weighing on this free-to-play shooter, Diablo - Blizzard's strongest, it would seem, asset - comes as a genuine surprise.

One can conclude that not only the game is doing worryingly badly on Twitch - despite the claims of its great success immediately after its release - and Blizzard has decided to take a radical step to sustain interest in its flagship product.

Is this in fact the case? We will get a better insight into what is happening with Diablo 4, once the title becomes available on Steam and we can monitor its activity results..

Christopher Mysiak

Christopher Mysiak

A scholar, librarian, wannabe witcher, and a gentleman. Cars, guns and swords are his things, as are deep stories about serious stuff.


Diablo IV

Diablo IV

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